We're big advocates for knowing who you are and growing as a person
To that end, we sat down with 9 of our coworkers to talk all things Enneagram. The Enneagram is broken down into nine distinct types based on basic motivations and basic fears. Discovering these two components about yourself is the first step to growth and self awareness. The next step is taking a deep dive into learning more about the type you most identify with. These folks have taken the first plunge and are doing the work of uncovering who they truly are. Settle in and grab the drink closest at hand as they each share their key takeaways from their journey. May they inspire you to continue the good work of unearthing your true self.
Tim, Type One
I suppose it's maybe not something I have or had to learn from the Enneagram, but it is something I'd like to pass on that seems a good thing to keep in mind. Don't jump to assume you understand someone or how they think just because you might know their number or even just THINK you know their number. At the end of the day, and I believe the Enneagram recognizes this well, we are all individuals. I'd say I think it's best to get to know someone and learn about them and how they think and feel and what motivates them and then have the Enneagram as a fun tool on the side for further exploration rather than leave it at just knowing someone's number.
Jimmy, Type Two
I have come to see that the Enneagram doesn't tell me who I am based on what I do. Just because I'm friendly and have an awareness to the needs of others doesn't make me a two. It is a path towards growth based on my motivation to find a place where I am loved. For me, it's been very humbling to continue noticing the needs around me while at the same time accepting that if I truly want to love others, I must first accept that I am a person with needs and desires. Who knew that in order to love a person you have to be a person?!
Tess, Type Three
What area of growth am I most proud of? Authenticity. I have always struggled with some form of imposter syndrome. Growing up I aimed to please others and put masks on to achieve that facade. Through some self-work and unpacking my Enneagram type, I’ve learned how I can aim for authenticity. Being true to myself is more valuable than the masks I wear.
Zoe, Type Four
The most helpful thing I’ve learned about myself is to value the things that are, on the surface, contradictory. There is a cultural expectation that an achievement-driven person does not have the authenticity that an artist needs to be “real.” That focusing on accomplishment devalues the self-expression and imagination that’s at the core of creation. Realizing that those apparent “opposites” feed each other in very productive ways if allowed to has been very comforting.
Hailey, Type Five
Firstly, I would like to remind others, and myself, that a personality test doesn’t define who you are. That being said, I do feel that the Enneagram has allowed me to better understand certain traits that others have and why we interact the way we do. I’ve also learned that the things I do, in fact, have effect on those around me in very specific ways. The Enneagram has also allowed me to learn more about who I am as a person and to take time to lean into those areas of myself that need work. Overall, if you take the Enneagram and find it interesting, take the time to learn about the other types and how their relationships with you affect you as well as how you can better interact and love them.
Taylor, Type Six
When I first realized that I was a six on the Enneagram, I was a little thrown off because of what seemed like so many other's idea of a six. I feel like a lot of times the six can be made out to be a very fearful person. Although that can be true at times, I wouldn't say that our fear defines us. Sometimes when I read about my type, I get the image of a turtle hiding in its shell afraid of whatever is waiting on the outside. Although my mind can go to worst case scenarios and I can become a little anxious at times, I've learned through the Enneagram that I'm actually courageous as I've thought out almost all the possibilities ahead of me but still choose to move forward believing that I can face whatever it is that might come my way.
Bento, Type Seven*
*Almost unbelievably there are no self-professed type sevens here at MudLOVE! Our Director of Goodness (DOG) exhibits many qualities but we'll let him tell us how he identifies. Are you a seven? Tell us something about you in the comments below so we can learn more about the beauty of sevens!
Marika, Type Eight
I've definitely learned the idea that aspects of ones personality that most people use in a negative context, doesn't have to be negative. A perfect example is dominating. When people call you dominating, it often is used in a negative context. But the Enneagram give examples of people using those same qualities that often are put into a better light. Martin Luther King Jr is a great example of someone who used their more "dominating" or "authoritative" personality traits to spark great change for a larger community. It's a nice reminder that even the 'bad' parts of our personality, can be used in a positive way that most people wouldn't expect.
Laura, Type Nine
I’ve learned [through the Enneagram] that routine helps me succeed. It helps me to live my life with purpose and to take care of myself well. Instead of going with the flow and letting life control me, routine helps me plan and also creates a sense of peace when circumstances are chaotic.
We're proud to work alongside these folks and the rest of the team. They give of their best each and every day to spread inspiration and provide clean water.
The holidays are approaching! Check out our gift guide with an Enneagram twist. Find the perfect word or image for each of your loved ones.