Hey, MudLOVE friends! We have some big news to share with you... we have some amazing new co-workers! For the last four years, MudLOVE has been partnering with Vida Plena to improve the world around us in big ways, and this year we are making that partnership official.
Since 2009 we’ve built MudLOVE on this foundation: our business is a tool to disrupt patterns of brokenness and put love into action. Today, we are excited to welcome the incredible team at Vida Plena to the MudLOVE fold! This investment represents the next step in achieving our vision and mission.
Vida Plena exists to see women in the Dominican Republic flourish. They accomplish this by providing artisan trade training programs, adult literacy classes, and full-time employment in a safe and secure environment.
We began partnering with Vida Plena in 2018 to create our very first woven product. In the years since we have expanded our production partnership to include high quality ceramic and resin products, in addition to our woven bracelets. Thanks to this new step in our relationship, Vida Plena will continue investing in the lives of their team to break the cycles of poverty and hopelessness in their community.

There is an old proverb that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” By joining MudLOVE and Vida Plena, we look forward to making a difference in Indiana, the Dominican Republic, and through clean water projects in the Central African Republic.
We cannot wait to see how this partnership impacts the world around us, and hope you are just as excited as we are! If you'd like to see what we're up to, go connect with us on social media @mudlove and @vidaplenadr!
Thank you for your continued support of MudLOVE and Vida Plena!